Maker bus-trip

Home / Maker bus-trip



In 2019, we held the first knowledge-sharing bus tour for the Maker movement in Greater Copenhagen and Roskilde. The purpose was to get the initiatives (Makerspaces, Fablabs, Hackerspaces, Creative/art workshops, etc.) to share knowledge, learn from each other's practices and make use of each other's skills across the board to strengthen each other and get the Maker movement to cooperate and grow. Since then, new initiatives have come into being, while others did not manage to get involved. Therefore, the success is repeated again.


Parking by car at V-10 Foreningen Maker, Vasbygade 10A, 2450 København SV is possible.

Feel free to write to me if you have special lunch needs, such as an allergy, vegetarian/vegan, etc.

We drive around to the different labs, seeing how each other works and each other's facilities. Each stop is 30 minutes long. During the bus tour, each place can give a short introduction to their respective place. We talk, listen, investigate curiously, and enjoy each other's company.


Please arrive at V-10 Foreningen Maker, Vasbygade 10A, 2450 København SV, at 8:00. At 8:15, Kirsten will give a 10-minute presentation, after which V-10 Foreningen Maker will continue.

The bus runs at 9.15 sharp from V-10 Foreningen Maker.

  1. V-10 Foreningen Maker, Vasbygade 10A, 2450 København SV: Introduktion: 8:30 – 9:00.
  2. ​​Trifolium Introduktion. 9:21 – 9:51.
  3. Copenhagen Fablab Introduktion: 10:11 – 10:41.
  4. Future Classroom Lab Introduktion: 10:59 – 11:29.
  5. Labitat Introduktion: 11:46 – 12:16.
  6. Værkstedet CPH Introduktion: 12:33 – 13:03.
  7. DIKU & NBI. Introduktion: 13:25 – 13:55.
  8. Statens Værksteder For Kunst. Introduktion: 14:21 – 14:51.
  9. Orange Makers. Introduktion: 15:47 – 16:17.
  10. HeySpace. Introduktion: 17:21 – 17:51.


We arrive at V-10 Foreningen Maker, Vasbygade 10A, 2450 København SV again at approximately 19:30. We invite you to stay for networking after the bus tour. But to keep the price within a Maker's budget, I suggest you pay for dinner and drinks yourself.

I am looking forward to seeing you.

Alt godt / All the best,

Kirsten Dencker // Makerwoman
