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Den Narcissistiske ordbog udstilles i:

Captive portal på Fredericiagade 12b den 15.–27. august 2023

Foreningen Maker på Vasbygade 10A, 2450 København SV. den 13. oktober 2023 kl. 18:00–24:00

Et Netwærk, den 1. marts 2024 kl. 16:00–19:00

Denne narcissistiske ordbog er skabt med formålet om at skabe større bevågenhed om trækkene ved narcissisme og narcissistisk psykopati samt personlighedsforstyrrelsens og den dys sociale personlighedsstrukturs manipulations metoder. Hertil bruges kunstig intelligens til at skabe en narcissistisk chatbot.

Jeg gør opmærksom på at denne ordbog ikke er skabt med formålet om at diagnosticere personer med narcissistiske træk eller narcissistiske psykopatiske træk. Det er kun kliniske psykologer og psykiatere der kan og må det. Fokus er at lære dig at gennemskue den ondsindede psykologiske gaslightende manipulation, så du bliver endnu bedre til at vide hvad der er dårlig adfærd, hvornår nogle behandler dig dårligt og hvornår det er bedst at forlade en relation helt.

English version

The Narcissistic Dictionary is exhibited at:

The Captive portal at Fredericiagade 12b on 15–27 August 2023

Foreningen Maker at Vasbygade 10A, 2450 København, 13 October 2023 at 18:00–24:00

A Network, 1 March 2024 at 16:00–19:00

I have made this narcissistic dictionary to create greater awareness of the traits of narcissism and narcissistic psychopathy, as well as the manipulation methods of personality disorder and the antisocial personality structure. For this, I use artificial intelligence to create a narcissistic chatbot.

I point out that I am not making this dictionary to diagnose people with narcissistic or narcissistic psychopathic traits. Only clinical psychologists and psychiatrists can and must do this. The focus is on teaching you to see through the malicious psychological gaslighting manipulation so that you become even better at knowing what bad behavior is, notice the red flags of when someone mistreats you, and when it is best to leave a relationship altogether.

A huge thank you to everyone who participated with their sentences, translations, and interpretations – you have been part of making the narcissistic dictionary GBT3 chatbot.

Since the exhibition at Captive Portal, I have received more sentences, translations, and interpretations. Thank you for that. The Typeform is still open, and I look forward to exhibiting the GBT3 chatbot again with all your contributions.

Thank you to Jon, who took photos of the exhibition (See above).

Thank you to Mirabelle Jones for curating at Captive Portal, asking me to exhibit, and helping me make the GBT3 chatbot.

Thank you to Kristoffer Ørum for hosting.

Many interesting, meaningful, and healing conversations with the participants have arisen when facilitating how to formulate sentences and listing and hearing your experiences. I appreciate every one of your experiences, and I hope you will keep telling them. Remember that narcissistic behavior is never your responsibility.

Above, you can find examples of the GBT3 chatbot.