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Creativity in Complexity: Learning through Experience and Design.

On February 17, 2023, I declined to RUC, Department of People and Technology, to be published as a third author in Hobye, M. et al. , Part 2. Thinking through making - hands-on learning. In: M. Hansen, et al. eds. Creativity in Complexity: Learning through Experience and Design. Springer Science education. As an anthropologist and sociologist in the Maker Movement in Denmark, I do not support the values of the four co-founders of illutron working in Fablab RUC and Fablab RUCs, in my opinion, toxic narcissistic work culture. Remember Kim Wall.

THESIS: In the Network // The first mapping of the Maker movement in Greater Copenhagen and Roskilde

Dencker Hansen, K., 2019. Thesis from Digital innovation and management: In the Network // The first mapping of the Maker movement in Greater Copenhagen and Roskilde, Copenhagen: IT University of Copenhagen. Access to the thesis is obtained via the following two links:

Link to thesis

Link to appendix (including interviews, participatory observations, etc.)